Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Penn Foster 037094 Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals

Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals

Penn Foster 037094

Since you’ve read through Chapter 12 and selections from other chapters in your textbook and completed the study guide, you have the requisite OOP knowledge to expand the GroceryApp project. This project will assess your under- standing of using classes, enumerations, and handling exceptions.

Make sure that you follow all directions completely and verify your results before submitting the project. Remember to include all required components in your solution or you won’t receive full credit.

In the graded project for Lesson 2, you implemented the login process for a Windows Forms application in Visual Studio. In this project, you’ll add exception handling to the login process. You’ll also create a class to represent a grocery item and a custom collection class to represent a grocery basket. The output of this project will be used in the next graded project.

1.In Visual Studio, load the GroceryApp project that you completed in Lesson 2. If this isn’t available, then you’ll need to ask your instructor for the finished Lesson 2 project.

2.Add a new class to the project named LoginException.vb
(Figure 34)
Make the LoginException class a custom exception by deriving from the Exception class. See Assignment 3 for an example.
3.In the Login procedure of the Main module, replace the two  lines  that  read  MessageBox.Show(“Incorrect     password.”) with the following code:
Throw New LoginException
4.Save your work and debug the application. What hap- pens now when you type in an incorrect password for a valid username?
5.Stop debugging the application. You’ll now add exception handling code.
6.Add a Try...Catch statement for the following line in the
btnLogin_Click event handler procedure: Main.Login(txtUsername.Text,            txtPassword.Text) Add the following line to the Catch block: MessageBox.Show(“Incorrect       password.”)
7.Save your work and debug the application. It should perform the same action as before.
8.Add a new public class to the project named
GroceryItem. See Assignment 1 for help.
9.The class should contain the following public properties:
ScanNumber. Represents the unique serial code for the item on the shelf. This property should be read- only.
BrandName. The name as described on the item’s packaging
Description. A short description of the item
Price. The amount of money it costs to buy the item.
Make sure that only positive values can be assigned to this property.
Aisle. This should indicate one of the following aisles: Bakery, Canned Good, Drinks, Deli, Dry Goods, Frozen Food, and Produce. See Assignment 2 on how to create enumerations.
10.The class should contain the following public constructors:
A constructor that accepts and sets only the ScanNumber property. Remember, if a property is read-only, then you’ll need to set the variable, not use the property name.
A constructor that accepts and sets the
ScanNumber, BrandName, and Price properties.
11.Add a new public class to the project named
GroceryBasket. See Assignment 2 for help.
a.Derive from the generic Dictionary class.
b.Ensure that only String values are used as keys.
c.Ensure that only GroceryItem objects are stored as values.
12.Test your work. You can add code to the btnLogin_Click event handler procedure to instantiate the GroceryItem class and add multiple objects to the GroceryBasket class. Make sure you either remove or comment out this code after testing.

To submit your project, you must provide the following five files:


To find these files, you should go to directory where you saved the GroceryApp project. To determine this path, click on GroceryApp in the Solution Explorer panel. Copy the value for the Project Folder property in the Properties panel. In Windows Explorer, paste the file path and hit  the Enter key. Copy the Main.vb, LoginForm.vb, GroceryItem.vb, and GroceryBasket.vb files to your desk- top or any other temporary location.

Use the following procedure to submit your project online:

1.Log in to view your student homepage and go to the My Courses page.
2.Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.
3.Attach your files as follows:
a.Click on the Browse box.
b.Locate the file you wish to attach.
c.Double-click on the file.
d.Click Upload File.
e.If you have more than one file to attach, repeat steps a–d for each file.
4.Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: Your e-mail address is required for online submissions.)
5.If you wish to include comments about this project to your instructor, enter your comments in the Message box.
6.Click on Submit Files.

Grading Criteria
Remember to follow directions and follow good OOP princi- ples as described in the study guide.
Your project will be graded using the following rubric:

The GroceryItem class is
defined correctly. 30 points
The GroceryBasket class
is defined correctly. 20 points
The Login button correctly
uses a Try...Catch statement. 10 points
All source code files are included.

40 points TOTAL 100 points

Preview Solution:
Penn Foster 037094 Invalid Password
Penn Foster 037094, Invalid Password
Grocery App, Object Oriented Programming, with Inheritance.
This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
Posted on Feb. 26, 2013 at 08:15:09AM
Price: $20
Special Price: $15
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
File in Solution:
GroceryApp.zip (79K)
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Application.myapp
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Resources.resx
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Settings.settings
GroceryApp/GroceryApp/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll

Penn Foster 037093 Data Types and Application Logic

Penn Foster 037093

Data Types and Application Logic

Click Below Link To Download

If you’ve read through selected sections of Chapter 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 in your textbook and completed the related study guide material, you’re ready to add further functionality to the GroceryApp project. This project will assess your understand- ing of using variables, arrays, modules and procedures.
Make sure you follow all directions completely and verify your results before submitting the project. Remember to include all required components in your solution or you won’t receive full credit.

In the graded project for Lesson 1, you created a login form using a Windows Forms Application project in Visual Studio. In this project, you’ll implement the login process. The login process will use
A Boolean value to indicate success
Two parallel arrays for usernames and passwords (See pages 492–495 in your textbook on using parallel arrays.)
Three procedures that contain conditional and iterative statements.
Note: The output of this project will be used in the graded project for Lesson 3

1.In Visual Studio, load the GroceryApp project that you completed in Lesson 1.
2.Add a new module to the project.
a.Right-click the project name in Solution Explorer or choose the Add New Item… option in the Project menu.
b.In the Add New Item dialog, choose Module. Type the name Main.vb in the Name text box at the bottom.
3.Click the Add button (Figure 26).
In the Main module, you’ll perform the following actions:
a.Declare a Boolean variable named blnLoggedIn.
b.Declare two String arrays named arrUsernames and arrPasswords.
c.Declare a subroutine named Login that accepts two String parameters named username and password.
4.Declare two functions named VerifyUsername and VerifyPassword. The VerifyUsername function should accept a String parameter named username and return a Boolean value. The VerifyPassword function should accept a String parameter named password and return a Boolean value.
When this task is completed, the source code editor should contain what’s shown in Figure 27.
Use the values Admin, Clerk, and Manager as items in the arrUsernames array. Use the assignment operator and curly braces 
to modify the declaration as follows:
Dim   arrUsernames()  As  String  =   {ªAdminº, ªClerkº,ªManagerº}
Use the values P@ssword, pa$$word, and passw0rd as items in the arrPasswords array. Use the assignment operator and curly 
braces to modify the declaration as follows:
Dim   arrPasswords()   As   String   =   {ªP@sswordº, ªpa$$wordº,ªpassw0rdº}
In the Login subroutine, make sure that the username and password arguments are valid and match.
5.Set the blnLoggedIn variable to False. This is to ensure that previous attempts are overwritten.
6.Use an If…Else statement. Using the logical operator And, combine the return value from calling the VerifyUsername and 
VerifyPassword functions.
7.If the username and password arguments are valid, then make sure the value in the arrUsernames array matches the value 
in the arrPasswords array.
8.If the correct password is specified for the username, then set the blnLoggedIn variable to the value True. If  not, 
then display an error message box.
When the task is complete, the Login function should be defined as follows:
Sub Login(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String)
blnLoggedIn   =   False
If VerifyUsername(username) And VerifyPassword(pass- word) Then
‘Find index for username
Dim  userIndex  As  Integer
For  loopIndex  =  0  To  arrUsernames.Length 1 If arrUsernames(loopIndex)  =  username  Then
userIndex  =   loopIndex Exit  For
End If Next
‘Check for password match
If arrPasswords(userIndex)  =  password  Then blnLoggedIn = True
MessageBox.Show(“Incorrect   password.”) End If

MessageBox.Show(“Incorrect   password.”) End  If End Sub

9.Using what you know about search arrays, implement the VerifyUsername and VerifyPassword functions. They should return 
true if the username or password is found in the arrUsernames or arrPasswords array, respectively.
10.Save your work.
11.In the LoginForm.vb, find the subroutine
12.You can either right-click on the LoginForm.vb file in Solution Explorer and choose the View Code option in the context 
menu or double-click on the LoginForm.vb file in Solution Explorer and double-click on the Login button on the form.
13.Navigate to the btnLogin_Click subroutine.
14.Modify the contents of the btnLogin_Click button.
a.Call the Login subroutine in the Main module.
b.Use the blnLoggedIn variable to determine whether to display the message box.
The btnLogin_Click subroutine should resemble the following:

Main.Login(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text) If Main.blnLoggedIn Then
MessageBox.Show(“Thank  you  for  logging  in, “  &  _ txtUsername.Text,   “Logged   In.”)
End If

15.You should get an error message using the blnLoggedIn variable. Later in your course, there will be a discussion on access 
modifiers, but for right now, just know that you need to change the Dim keyword to Friend.
Open the Main.vb file.
16.Modify the blnLoggedIn declaration as follows:
Friend blnLoggedIn As Boolean
Save your work and debug the application. See what happens when you type in an incorrect username and password.
17.Make sure the application works as intended.

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Penn Foster 037093
Data Types and Application Logic - Main and LoginForm 
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Posted on Feb 21, 2013 at 12:49:46PM

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Penn Foster 037097 Final Graded Project HangMan

Penn Foster 037097 – Guaranteed 100% score

Page 201,Josh Hester, HangMan, Execute and Re-Tested, Win and Lost, Sql Server DB Access, Previews A+ Solution.

Click Below Link To Download!

You’ve been tasked to create an educational game for a fifth grade reading class. 
The game must test students’ spelling
skills using a variation of the classic game Hangman. If you’re
unfamiliar with the rules and general game play, please
consult the online reference at http://en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/Hangman_(game) for more information.

The application will use the HangManDB.MDF file. The
HangManDB database contains the tables shown in
Figure 59.
The UnitID column in the Words table is a foreign key to the
ID column in the Units table. The Word column contains the
actual word to guess, while the Description column contains
the description of words for that unit.

User Interface
The user interface will consist of a single Windows form. The
user interface will resemble Figure 60.
202 Final Graded Project

FIGURE 59—HangManDB Database Tables
FIGURE 60—Hangman

User Interface
When the application first loads, the textbox for the letter
guess should be disabled. If the New option is chosen in the
menu, then a new word and the unit description should be
loaded from the database. If the Quit option is chosen in the
menu, then the application should quit.
After each guess, one of two things should happen. If it was
a correct guess, then all occurrences of that letter should
appear in the labels at the bottom. If it’s an incorrect guess,
then the next stage of the hangman should appear in the
picture box. In either case, the textbox should highlight the
letter, so that the user can make another guess. The textbox
should not be cleared, or the user may attempt to guess the
same letter (Figure 61).

Final Graded Project 203
FIGURE 61—The incorrect guessed letters should
appear in the picture box and remain as other incorrect
guesses are added. 
The game ends when either all letters of the word are guessed 
correctly or the hangman picture is completed. When the game is won,
a message box should display like this one
(Figure 62):

When the game is lost, the message box should display words similar 
to Figure 63.

In either case, clicking the Yes button should have the same 
effect as clicking the

New option in the menu and clicking the No button should exit 
out of the application.
This will be the last graded project based on this scenario.
You’ll be graded on the end-user functionality, so variable
names and other aspects can differ, but the application must
work as intended.
Application Files
This application will consist of the following files in the solution
1. GameForm.vb. The only form in the application.
2. HangmanDB.MDF. The database that contains the questions
and unit descriptions. See Provided Files section
below for more information.
3. Images folder. Hangman-0.png, Hangman-1.png,
Hangman-2.png, Hangman-3.png, Hangman-4.png,
Hangman-5.png, and Hangman-6.png. See “Provided
Files” section below for more information.
204 Final Graded Project
FIGURE 62—You won! Do you want to play
FIGURE 63—You lost. Do
you want to play again?
4. QuestionDataSet.xsd. The DataSet for the HangmanDB
database. Should contain both tables Words and Units.
Provided Files
You’ll be provided the following files:

The HangmanDB.MDF database
The images folder that contains the image files

Hangman-0.png, Hangman-1.png, Hangman-2.png,
Hangman-3.png, Hangman-4.png, Hangman-5.png,
and Hangman-6.png

You should add these files to your project as described in
step 3 in the Instructions section.

1. In Visual Studio, create a new Windows Forms project
named HangmanApp.
2. Rename the Form1.vb file to GameForm.vb.
3. Add the provide files to your project. Use the Add >
Existing Item… option in the Solution Explorer. Make
sure in the Properties panel to set the Copy To Output
property to Copy Always.
4. Create the DataSet named QuestionDataSet.xsd using
the HangmanDB.MDF file. Review Assignment 15.
5. Create the user interface for GameForm.vb. See the
User Interface section above for the layout. The form
will consist of the following controls:
a. One MenuStrip control that contains the Game menu
with the options New and Quit.
b. One Label control with the text Guess a letter.
c. One Label control with the text Choose New Game.
This label will display the unit description during the
d. One TextBox control for the user type in letter
Final Graded Project 205
e. A PictureBox control that will display the hangman
images. You’ll set the ImageLocation property to load
the hangman images.
f. A Panel control that will contain the displayed letter
g. Eleven Label controls, one for each letter of the word.
These labels should be in the panel. You should set
the initial value for the Text property to the underscore
character (_) to act as a placeholder character.
You can chose to set the control properties to whatever
you like, but below are some helpful suggestions. If you
don’t name the controls the same names, you’ll need to
modify some provided code in the next steps.
For a further description on how to add and layout
controls, review Assignment 11 and Assignment 13.
6. In the code of GameForm.vb, you should define the
following variables:
a. dsQuestions. A QuestionDataSet object
206 Final Graded Project
GameForm Size: 500, 500
Label for unit description (Name): lblUnitDescription
Font.Size: 14
TextBox for letter guesses (Name): txtGuess
Font.Size: 22
MaxLength: 1
PictureBox for hangman images (Name): pboxHangman
Size: 256, 256
Panel for letter labels (Name): panelWord
Dock: Bottom
Eleven Label controls for letters Set the (Name) property for
each to lblLetter0 to
lblLetter11. The last character(
s) will match the character
index in the word.
Font.Size: 22
Text: _
b. numWord. The index of which word is being guessed.
This matches the row in the Words table that’s being
retrieved. Each game will increment this number by
c. word. The actual word being guessed.
d. numWrongGuesses. Number of wrong guesses in a
e. numRightGuesses. Number of right guesses in a
f. gameStarted. Indicates whether the game has started
or not.
6. In the code of GameForm.vb, you should have the following
event procedures:
a. Form Load event handler—Disable the txtGuess
textbox, set the numWord variable and call the
LoadData method (provided below).
b. Quit button Click event handler—Exit the application
c. In the New button Click event handler, perform the
following tasks:
I. Initialize all variables, especially numRightGuesses,
numWrongGuesses, gameStarted, and
numWord. Make sure to increment numWord to
the next index.
II. Initialize controls. Clear the text of all labels,
enable and set the focus to the txtGuess textbox.
III. Set controls using the DataSet. If you followed
the same names, then you can use this code:
‘Gets word column row
word = CStr(dsQuestions.Words(numWord)(1))
‘Gets unit description
lblUnitDescription.Text = _
IV. Set the label control for each character in the
word. Set the Text property to the underscore
character (_).
Final Graded Project 207
d. In the txtGuess textbox TextChanged event, perform
the following tasks:
I. Check if the game is started using the
gameStarted variable.
II. Check to see if the word (word) contains the
guess (txtGuess).
III. If it does, then call the SetRightLetterLabels
method (provided below) and increment the
numRightGuesses variable.
IV. If it doesn’t, set the image in the pboxHangman
and increment the numWrongGuesses variable.
Your code should resemble the following:
pboxHangman.ImageLocation = “images\Hangman-” &
numWrongGuesses & “.png”
numWrongGuesses += 1
V. Check to see if the game has been won or lost
yet. Use the CheckProgress method. See step 7A
for how the CheckProgress method is defined.
VI. Select all of the text in the txtGuess textbox.
7. In the code of GameForm.vb, you might find it helpful to
define the following methods:
a. A method named CheckProgress that calculates the
total number of tries (numRightGuesses +
numWrongGuesses), displays the correct message box
for winning or losing, and starts the next game or
exits the application depending on the message box
b. A method named WonGame that checks each letter in
the word is matched by its label and returns True if
this is the case.
c. A method named LostGame that checks to see if the
number of wrong guesses is greater than six and
returns True if this is the case.
d. A method named ResetAllLabels that sets each character
label to blank text.
208 Final Graded Project
8. In the code of the GameForm.vb, you might want to add
these helper methods:
Private Sub LoadData()
Dim taUnits As New
Dim taWords As New
End Sub
Private Function FindLabel(ByVal i As Integer) As
‘Finds the right label in the Word panel
Dim label = panelWord.Controls.Find(“lblLetter” & i,
Return label
End Function
Private Sub SetRightLetterLabels(ByVal word As String,
ByVal ch As Char)
For i As Integer = 0 To word.Length – 1
‘Check for each letter and set the appropriate
If word.Chars(i) = ch Then
FindLabel(i).Text = ch
End If
End Sub
9. Save and run the application. Verify that all controls and
menus work correctly. You’ll submit the compiled application
for this project according to the submission
guidelines on that follow.
Final Graded Project 209

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  • Posted on Apr. 03, 2013 at 06:44:13AM
Price: $50
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File in Solution:
Preview.jpg (42K) (Preview)
HangManApp.zip (746K)
HangManApp/HangManApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
HangManApp/HangManApp/My Project/Application.myapp
HangManApp/HangManApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
HangManApp/HangManApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
HangManApp/HangManApp/My Project/Resources.resx
HangManApp/HangManApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
HangManApp/HangManApp/My Project/Settings.settings
HangManApp/HangManApp/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
HangManApp/HangManApp/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll

Penn Foster 037096 Grocery Basket File, Printing, and Database Access in Windows Forms Page 197

File, Printing, and Database Access in Windows Forms

Penn Foster 037096 – Guaranteed 100% score

Click Below Link To Download!

Since you’ve finished reading Chapters 9 and 10 in your text- book and completed the study guide, you understand how to perform simple file I/O operations and access databases. This project will assess your understanding of accessing files and data-bound controls.

Make sure that you follow all directions completely and verify your results before submitting the project. Remember to include all required components in your solution or you won’t receive full credit.

In the graded project for Lesson 4, you added the GroceryItemForm to the GroceryApp project. In this project, you’ll add functionality to save and load saved grocery basket files. You’ll display the contents of the basket using the data- bound control DataGridView.

You’ll add a form to the project to display grocery items in the basket.

This will be the last graded project based on this scenario. You’ll be graded on the end-user functionality, so variable names and other aspects can differ, but the application must work as intended.


1.In Visual Studio, load the GroceryApp project that you completed in Lesson 4.
2.Add the options &Save and &Load to the Application
3.Add the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog components to the Windows form. Name them openDialog and saveDialog, respectively.
4.In the Click event for the Save option, prompt the user for a file location and store the basket as a text file. Recall that grocery items are stored in the basket vari- able. Hint: You could use a CSV file similar to a flat-file database. See Chapter 9 in your book for details on how to format the text file.
5.In the Click event for the Load option, prompt the user for a file location and load the contents of the text file into the basket. Make sure you empty the basket first.
Hint: You could use the Split method in the String class to break each line into individual array items. See the MSDN Library Web page http://msdn.microsoft.com/ en-us/library/b873y76a.aspx for more information.
6.Save your work and test the program. Add some items to the basket and save them. Then attempt to load them again. Click on the View option in the Basket menu to see the basket contents. You’ll modify how this menu option works in the concluding steps.
7.Add a new form to the project named BasketDisplayForm. Set the Text property to Basket Contents. You should also set the Size property to 600, 300.
8.Add a DataGridView control named viewBasket. Set the
Dock property to Fill.
9.In the Load event of the BasketDisplayForm, add the following code to display the basket contents in the DataGridView control:
viewBasket.DataSource = basket
Notice how simple it’s to perform data-binding with data sources other than databases.
10.Go back to the code view of GroceryItemForm and replace the content of the ViewToolStripMenuItem_Click event handler. Load and display the BasketDisplayForm modally instead. Remember you don’t have to worry about the basket variable, because the BasketDisplayForm handles data-binding in its Load event.
11.Save and run the application. Verify that all controls and menus work correctly. You’ll submit the compiled appli- cation for this project.

Note: If you close the Login form, you don’t need to per- form the login process. This is by design, so that you can test the application without logging on.


To submit your project, you should build the project and submit the following file:

To find this file, you should go to directory where you saved the GroceryApp project. To determine this path, click on GroceryApp in the Solution Explorer panel. Copy the value for the Project Folder property in the Properties panel. In Windows Explorer, paste the file path and hit the Enter key. Then, go to the bin\Debug folder. Copy the GroceryApp.exe file to your desktop or any other temporary location. This EXE file is the compiled application and you can double-click on it to run it without using Visual Studio.

Use the following procedure to submit your project online:

1.Log in to view your student homepage and go to the My Courses page.
2.Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.
3.Attach your files as follows:
a.Click on the Browse box.
b.Locate the file you wish to attach.
c.Double-click on the file.
d.Click Upload File.
e.If you have more than one file to attach, repeat steps a–d for each file.
4.Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: Your e-mail address is required for online submissions.)
5.If you wish to include comments about this project to your instructor, enter your comments in the Message box.
6.Click on Submit Files.


Remember to follow directions and follow good programming principles as described in the study guide.
Your project will be graded using the following rubric:

The Save menu option performs the correct behavior. 30 points
The Load menu option performs the correct behavior. 30 points
The View menu option performs the correct behavior. 15 points
The BasketDisplayForm is laid out correctly. 15 points
The compiled application is included and runs. 10 point
Preview Solution:

Page 197, File, Printing, and Database Access in Windows Forms, Grocery Basket View A+ Solution
  • This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
  • Posted on Mar. 23, 2013 at 01:56:57AM

Special Price: $15
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
File in Solution:

Penn Foster 037095 Graphical User Interface Design for Windows Forms

Graphical User Interface Design for Windows Forms 
Penn Foster 037095 – Guaranteed 100% score

Click Below Link To Download Assignment!



You now have the basic GUI skill to make the GroceryApp project a multiple-form application. This project will assess your understanding of using controls, menus, and handling multiple forms.

Make sure that you follow all directions completely and verify your results before submitting the project. Remember to include all required components in your solution or you won’t receive full credit.


In the graded project for Lesson 3, you added grocery classes to the GroceryApp project. In this project, you’ll add a form to allow users to add grocery items to the shopping basket. The form will also use menus. You’ll also set the startup form and manage the login form window. The output of this project will be used in the next graded project.

1. In Visual Studio, load the GroceryApp project that you completed in Lesson 3.
2. Add a new form to the project named GroceryItemForm.
3. Add controls to GroceryItemForm in the following layout:
Label controls, two TextBox controls, a NumericUpDown control, a ComboBox control, a GroupBox component, a RichTextBox control and a Button control.
4. Modify the design-time properties of the form and its controls using the following table:

GroceryItemForm Text Grocery  Item
Label1  (Name) lblScanNumber
Label1  Text &Scan
Label2  (Name) lblBrandName
Label2  Text &Name:
Label3  (Name) lblPrice
Label3  Text &Price:
Label4  (Name) lblAisle
Label4  Text A&isle:
GroupBox1  (Name) grpDescription
GroupBox1  Text &Description
TextBox1  (Name) txtScanNumber
TextBox1  ReadOnly True
TextBox1  TabStop False
TextBox2  (Name) txtBrandName
TextBox2  TabIndex 0
NumericUpDown1 (Name) numPrice
NumericUpDown1 DecimalPlaces 2
NumericUpDown1 TabIndex 1
ComboBox1  (Name) lstAisle

ComboBox1 Items Bakery
CannedGood Drinks Deli DryGoods FrozenFood Produce
ComboBox1 TabIndex 2
RichTextBox1 (Name) txtDescription
RichTextBox1 TabIndex 3
Button1 (Name) btnAddToBasket
Button1 Text A&dd  to  Basket
Button1 TabIndex 4

5. Add the option E&xit to the Application menu.
6. Add the options A&dd and &View  in the Basket menu.
7. Save your work on GroceryItemForm.vb.
8. Open the design view of LoginForm.vb.
9. Select LoginForm. Set the AcceptButton and CancelButton properties to the buttons btnLogin and btnCancel, respectively.
10. Select txtPassword. Set the PasswordChar property to *.
11. Set the TabIndex property for the txtUsername and
txtPassword controls to 0 and 1, respectively.
12. Save these changes on LoginForm.vb.
13.Open the design view of GroceryItemForm.vb.
14.In the form’s Load event, display the login form modally.
15.In the Click event of the btnAddToBasket button, create a GroceryItem object using the values from the controls and add it to the basket variable. Remember the basket variable is the GroceryBasket collection.
a.Make sure all controls except txtScanNumber con- tain a value.
b.Set the value of the txtScanNumber control using the following code:
txtScanNumber.Text  =  _ txtBrandName.Text.Substring(0,   3)   &   “1019”
c.Instantiate the GroceryItem class, using the control values.
d.Use the following expression to set the Aisle property
[Enum].Parse(GetType(Aisle), lstAisle.Text)
This expression converts the text into an Aisle enumeration.
e.Add the GroceryItem object to the basket variable.
f.Make sure to clear the content of all controls.

16.In the Click event of the Exit menu item, end the appli- cation.
17.Have the btnAddToBasket_Click method handle the
Click event of AddToolStripMenuItem as well.
18.In the Click event of the View menu item, display all of the items in the basket variable in an informational mes- sage box. You need only display the Aisle, ScanNumber, and BrandName properties. See Assignment 9 for help.
19.Set GroceryItemForm as the startup form.
20.Save and run the application. Verify that all controls and menus work correctly. You must provide a valid user- name and password to access the main form.
21.Make sure to test your work fully before submitting your project.

Note: If you close the Login form, you don’t need to perform the login process. This is by design, so that you can test the application without logging on.


To submit your project, you must provide the following three files:


To find these files, you should go to directory where you saved the GroceryApp project. To determine this path, click on GroceryApp in the Solution Explorer panel. Copy the value for the Project Folder property in the Properties panel. In Windows Explorer, paste the file path and press the Enter key. Copy the LoginForm.Designer.vb, GroceryItemForm.vb, and GroceryItemForm.Designer.vb files to your desktop or any other temporary location.

Use the following procedure to submit your project online:

1.Log in to view your student homepage and go to the My Courses page.
2.Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.
3.Attach your files as follows:
a.Click on the Browse box.
b.Locate the file you wish to attach.
c.Double-click on the file.
d.Click Upload File.
e.If you have more than one file to attach, repeat steps a–d for each file.
4.Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: Your e-mail address is required for online submissions.)
5.If you wish to include comments about this project to your instructor, enter your comments in the Message box.
6.Click on Submit Files.


Remember to follow directions and follow good OOP princi- ples as described in the study guide.

Your project will be graded using the following rubric:

The GroceryItemForm contains
the required controls and layout. 40 points

The GroceryItemForm contains
the required application logic. 20 points

The LoginForm has been
modified correctly. 10 points

All source code files are included. 30 points

Preview Solution:
Grocery Item Basket
Grocery Item Basket

Grocery Basket Viewer
Basket Viewer

Special Price: $40
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
Download Link:http://www.askassignment.com/product/penn-foster-037095-groceryapp-project-multiple-form-application
File in Solution:
 Preview.jpg (45K) (Preview)
 BasketAddition.jpg (39K) (Preview)
 BasketView.jpg (11K) (Preview)
 GroceryApp.zip (190K) 
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Application.myapp
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Resources.resx
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/My Project/Settings.settings
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 GroceryApp/GroceryApp/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll